
Whenever individuals live together, discipline is necessary and, this is especially true for an educational institution. This discipline is formative, not repressive. It leads the student to develop self control, which is the essence of a well ordered and successful life. Therefore, the school requires of its students to conform to certain regulations, aimed at the growth of the entire school, and more so, of the individual student.

  • 1.  Inside the school campus the child has to follow prudent code of conduct he/she be courteous and respectful with his/her teachers and elders.
  • 2.  The child must not start or get involved in any form using foul language and common slang.
  • 3.  Children are expected to keep their classroom neat and clean.
  • 4.  Child/Children causing damage to school property, disfiguring furniture, writing on wall will have to pay fine imposed for it or be punished other-wise.
  • 5.  Children must take part in extra co-curricular activities.
  • 6.  Bring the prescribed books subject wise as per the time table for the day.
  • 7.  Students must come to School punctually, regularly, neatly and tidily dressed in the prescribed School uniform. No student will be allowed to attend school without being in uniform.
  • 8.  When ever students move from one class room to another, they must move in a proper line without making noise, no shouting or whistling allowed anywhere in the campus.
  • 9.  Students are not allowed to bring with them any valuable items as money, watch, pen, ornament or any other costly item, If in case it is lost, the school will not entertain any complaint regarding the same and will not be liable or responsible for anything.
  • 10.  Children shall not bring with them any pencil, eraser, sharpener, pencil box etc. as it will all be provided by the school for classes nursery to Prep.
  • 11.  It is compulsory for all the students to speak in English in the school premises, even in their private conversation.
  • 12.  No student should bring razor-blades sharp instruments or any weapon into the school premises.