Our Pride

Mukesh Upadhyay


Today education is not about getting into the best school and preparing for a bright career, its much beyond that. We are living in a globally competitive world, where we must acknowledge the importance of genuine knowledge, wisdom, humanitarian values and living and progressing in harmony. Education is not just the making of ’I’ but reinforcing what ‘I’ can do to take ‘us’ together to greater heights. It is a positive school environment and parents’ genuine cooperation that will ensure true education to take roots and emerge victorious. We are aiming at ‘Education for life’. This education shall bring forth mental well-being and competence in the young minds when they face the realities of life. A mind that is open to learning shall never remain in the depths of darkness and servitude. School is just the very playground to practice and achieve that goal. We, at Zenith Children’s Academy, endeavour to bring that change in the children entrusted in our care ,which will definitely enable them to be strong members of this pageant of human race.
It is my firm belief that working together with the will to make a difference in our city, state, country and the world at large will not see us disheartened. To make ZCA a beacon of light, I appeal to our teachers, parents and students to walk hand-in-hand so that we carve a niche in the society we live in.