Our pride

Rajesh Upadhyay

Dear Parents,

‘‘The aim of education should be to teach us, rather how to think, than what to think rather to improve our minds so as to enable us to think for ourselves than to load the memory with thoughts of other men’’.

At ZCA we aim to provide a comprehensive and a global approach to the children so as to make them well-equipped to face the cut throat competition in every walk of life mentally, physically and emotionally.

Our educational program has been designed keeping in view the demands of the children, parents and teachers. We strive to acquaint the children with the rich cultural heritage of our nation and the concept of ‘‘Vidya Dadati Vinayam’’ and help them to grow as good and responsible citizens.

Apart from academic excellence, intellectual development we endeavour to groom the over all personality of the child and help him discover his hidden talent, potential capability and sharpen his/her skills. We also strive to make our students morally and ethically strong and instill in them good habits and develop in them values as truthfulness, team spirit self respect dignity of labor, punctuality, freedom of mind and scientific temperament and make them ready to face the challenges the world has to offer and live in a world–

‘‘Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.’’

Education we believe is an epitome resting on the pillars Parents, Teachers and Students and the strong bonding among themselves. Thus, interaction between teachers and parents is important. The diary designed for the students outlines the Institution’s philosophy, interaction between the teachers and parents and our sincere efforts to provide excellent education to the little stars so that they enlighten the whole world with their sparkling, twinkling light.

Here’s a very sincere request to all the parents to kindly check the diary from time to time so as to monitor the performance of your ward and contribute to our efforts for achieving the set goals and objectives.