Rules for Students and Parents

1.  The school starts at 8.00 am in Summer for class Nursery to 8th & 9.00 am in winters.

2.  Parents please ensure that your child is inside the school campus at least 15 minutes before the school starts.

3.  Once the school starts no child shall be allowed to enter the school campus.

4.  Please personally escort your child to and back from the school or the pick-up spot to ensure your child’s safety.

5.  In case your child is missing or not in the school, contact the school office.

6.  Parents shall see to it that their child is in complete school uniform which must be in accordance with the season and the day in school (like sports day, etc). Any child who is not in the appropriate uniform will not be allowed to attend the school on that day.

7.  Further the parents must ensure that their child is carrying all the necessary items in his or her school bag (like prescribed school books and copies in accordance with the time table for the day, stationary, lunch boxes etc). and his/her school I-card is pined on to the child’s shirt.

8.  Once the school starts no one shall be allowed to visit or take the child during school hour. Only in case of an emergency, the child will be released from the school, either with parent/guardian or someone who has a written “letter of authority” from the parent/guardian without the letter we will not allow the child to leave the premises. Further no attendant or servant will be allowed in the campus with the child during school hour.

9.  Parents can meet the class / subject teacher by taking prior appointment through the communication pages of the student’s diary and in the presence of the principal.

10.  The school expects at least 85% attendance from every student. However if the child is absent from school he/she must provide the school with a letter from their parents explaining the reasons behind child’s absence and a medical certificate from a doctor in case the child was sick. We request the parents, not to send their children to the school if he/she is suffering from any contagious disease.

11.  We advise the parents to make sure that they submit the tuition fee, the examination fee and the transportation charges in accordance with the schedule given to them. The child will not be allowed to sit in the examinations if his/her dues are not cleared by then.

12.  In case of absence due to long illness, a medical certificate will have to be produced – (Prep to VIII)

13.  Kindly use the telephone only when there is an emergency. For trivial matters please write the note in the school diary or send a note separately to the class teacher or the subject teacher (as required).

14.  A birthday is an important event in the life of a young child and the class teachers have knowledge about each child’s birthday Individually. In such a case the celebration’s are held during the lunch time. Parent’s send a small packet of toffees for the child to share with the whole class and the child should come in his/her party dress (till class Vth).

15.  Duplicate copies of Transfer certificate are not issued. In Special cases such certificates will be issued after proof verification on some extra payment.

16.  Good conduct and behaviour both in school as well as outside are your responsibility as well as ours. Any indiscipline that is reported will require action by the school authorities.

17.  Use of mobile phones or electronic gadgets by students in school is strictly forbidden.

18.  Irregular attendance neglect of homework habitual lack of interest in school activities disobeying school regulations disobedience and disrespect towards teachers are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a child from the school.

19.  Driving motor vehicles inside the school campus by any student is strictly prohibited. Since driving license is an official document and your son/daughter has been issued one, the Date of Birth mentioned on it will be treated as authentic.

20.  As per order from the district magistrate vide order no. 1/2001 dated March 2001 no student is permitted to drive in or out of the school campus on any motor vehicle unless they are 18 years and above and have a valid driving license.

21.  You are advised that if your child avails the conveyance you should check all the papers of the particular van/bus and should take the Mobile Number of the driver as school is not answerable for any issue related to conveyance

22.  If any student is caught by the Traffic police, violating the above mentioned rule, they will face imprisonment for three months or a fine of Rs. 600/- or both.

23.  Boys or Girls leaving the school premises during school hours without the written permission of the principal will be suspended with immediate effect.