The Pledge

Short form:-

India Is My Country. All Indians Are My Brothers And Sisters, I Love My Country And I Am Proud Of Its Rich And Varied Heritage, I Shall Always Strive To Be Worthy Of It. I Shall Always Give Respect To My Parents, Elders And Teachers And Treat Everyone With Courtesy. To My Country And My People. I Pledge My Devotion. In Their Well Being And Prosperity Alone, Lies My Happiness.

Long form:-

INDIA is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country. Hence, I shall strive, to the very best of my ability and
circumstances, to accept and promote the high ideals set before me and every other
citizen as enshrined in the Constitution of India.

Large areas of injustice exist in my country in the social and economic spheres.
I promise not to accept injustice as inevitable, but to find ways and means within my reach and
that of my school, community of students, teachers and parents, to actively promote
justice in my country.

Freedom of thought, expression and belief have been guaranteed to every citizen.
I shall never be a party to the suppression of any legitimate expression of freedom by a fellow
citizen of mine.

Equality of status and opportunity are only tantalizing dreams, teasing illusions
for many millions of my countrymen. I promise to regard every citizen of my country as my equal
and shall feel happy when more and more of the underprivileged get opportunities to
improve their status.

Unity and integration are yet very distant goals. I promise to contribute actively to
the union of the people of India by my greater knowledge, understanding, appreciation and love, even
though they are very different from me.